Tuanku Imam Bonjol

Tuanku Imam Bonjol (born in Bonjol, Pasaman, West Sumatra, Indonesia in 1772 - died in exile and was buried in Lotak, Pineleng, Minahasa, November 6, 1864), was one of the scholars, leaders and warriors who fought against the Dutch in the wars known as the name of the Padri War in 1803-1837. Tuanku Imam Bonjol appointed as National Hero of Indonesia under Presidential Decree No. 1973 087/TK/Tahun, November 6, 1973 [1].Name and title
The original name of Tuanku Imam Bonjol is Muhammad Shahab, who was born in Bonjol in 1772. As scholars and local community leaders, he obtained several degrees, ie Peto Sharif, Malin Basa, and Tuanku Imam. Lord nan Renceh from kamang as one of the leaders of the Tiger nan Salapan is appointed as the Imam (leader) for the Padri in Bonjol. He finally better known as the Tuanku Imam Bonjol.History of struggleThe main article for this section are: Padri War
It can not be denied, leaving the Padri War traumatic memories in the memory at once heroic nation. For about 18 years old the first war (1803-1821) who fought a practical fellow Minangkabau and Batak Mandailing or general.
At first occurrence of this war based on a desire among leaders of Muslim preachers in the Kingdom Pagaruyung to implement and run according to Islamic Wahhabi school of the time it developed in Arabia (Saudi Arabia today). Then the leader of the clergy who joined the Tigers nan Lintau Salapan requested to invite the King Tuanku Sultan Muning Pagaruyung Alamsyah and Indigenous People to leave some habits that are not compatible with Islam.
In some negotiations no agreement between The Padri (naming for the clergy) with Indigenous People. With that in several villages in the Kingdom Pagaruyung turbulent, and finally The Padri leader Tuanku Pasaman under attack Pagaruyung in 1815, and fighting broke out in nearby Stone Cage SMART INVESTOR. Sultan Muning Alamsyah forced to flee from the capital of the kingdom.
On February 21, 1821, the Indigenous formally cooperate with the Dutch East Indies government's war against the Padri in the agreement signed at the Padang, the Netherlands received as compensation for access rights and control over territory darek (inland Minangkabau) [2]. Agreement was also attended by the rest of the family dynasty of the kingdom under the leadership of Sultan Pagaruyung Nature talisman Bagagar who has been in the Valley at that time.
Dutch intervention in the war marked by attack Simawang and Hard Water by army Captain Captain Dienema Goffinet and early April 1821 on the orders of the Resident James du Puy in Padang. In this case the Company engaged in the war because it "invited" by the indigenous.
Resistance carried out by forces strong enough so that the priest is very difficult for them subject Netherlands. Therefore the Netherlands through the Governor-General Johannes van den Bosch took the time Padri The leaders had been led by the Tuanku Imam Bonjol to make peace with the edict "install a Treaty" in 1824. This is understandable because while simultaneously Batavia also run out of funds in the face of another war in Europe, and Java such as Java War. But then this agreement is violated by the Dutch themselves by attacking Nagari Sikek Clever.
However, since the beginning of 1833 the war turned into a war between the Indigenous and the Padri against the Dutch, the two sides shoulder to shoulder against the Dutch, the original parties to the conflict finally unite against the Dutch. Tip of remorse appears consciousness, inviting the Dutch in the conflict instead miserable Minangkabau society itself [3]. Merging of the indigenous and the Padri was started with compromise known as Puncak Pato plaque on which embodies the consensus Tabek Broken Indigenous basandi Syarak, Syarak basandi Kitabullah (based Indigenous Religion, Religious based Kitabullah (Al-Qur'an)).
Tuanku Imam Bonjol remorse for the actions of the Padri on fellow Minang, Batak Mandailing and, reflected in his words "legal Adopun Kitabullah many malampau deck was caused Kito juo. BaƤ your deck?" (As many of the laws that already terlangkahi Kitabullah by us. How do you mind?) [3]
Assault and siege of the fortress of the Padri in Bonjol by the Dutch from all directions for about six months (March 16-August 17, 1837) [4], led by the generals and the officers of the Netherlands, but the army is largely composed of indigenous peoples from various tribes, such as Java, Madura, Bugis, and Ambon. In the list of names of the Dutch army officer, Maj. Gen. Cochius there, Lt. Col. Bauer, sous Major, Captain Maclean, Lieutenant Van der Tak, Assistant First Lieutenant Steinmetz. and so on, but also terda [at Inlandsche names (native) as Captain Noto Prawiro Inlandsche Luitenant Prawiro in Logo, Karto Wongso Redjo Wiro, Prawiro Sentiko, Prawiro Brotto, and Merto Poero.
There are 148 European officers, 36 native officers, 1103 soldiers of Europe, 4130 native troops, Sumenapsche hulptroepen hieronder begrepen (auxiliary troops Sumenep, Madura). The attack on the fort began Bonjol Bugis people who are in the front of the defense attack Padri.
From Batavia brought Dutch continue army reinforcements, which on the date of July 20, 1837 The ship arrived with Perle in Padang, Captain Sinninghe, a number of European and African, one Sergeant, four korporaals and 112 flankeurs. The latter refers to the African soldiers recruited by the Netherlands in the continent, today the country of Ghana and Mali. They also called Sepoys and served in the Dutch army.Arrest and exile
After aid comes from Batavia, the Dutch began to resume the siege, and in subsequent periods, the position of Tuanku Imam Bonjol get more difficult, but she is still unwilling to surrender to the Dutch. So up to three times the Dutch to change his war commander to seize Bonjol, which is a small country with a fort from the surrounding clay surrounded by moats. Later on August 16, 1837, Fort Bonjol can be mastered after a long siege.
In the month of October 1837, Tuanku Imam Bonjol Palupuh to be invited to negotiate. Arriving at the place was immediately arrested and thrown into Cianjur, West Java. Then transferred to Ambon, and finally to Lotak, Minahasa, near Manado. In the last place that he died on November 8, 1864. Tuanku Imam Bonjol buried at the exile.Awards
The struggle that has been done by the Tuanku Imam Bonjol can be appreciation will heroism in opposing the occupation [5], as appreciation from the Indonesian government that represents the people of Indonesia in general, Tuanku Imam Bonjol appointed as National Hero of Indonesia since November 6, 1973.
Besides his name is also present in the public spaces of the nation as a street name, the name of the stadium, a university, even on a sheet of Bank Indonesia USD 5000 output 6 November 2001 [6].
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